T (Ochota):  +48 501 328 772

T (Ursynów):  +48 502 070 050

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Functional examination

In order to properly diagnose and treat temporomandibular disorders, a functional examination is necessary. This is a complex procedure based on international diagnostic standards developed by a team of experts. The examination performed in our clinic is in accordance with the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders protocol - a document prepared by the International RDC-TMD Consortium Network, an organization bringing together all known experts in this field from around the world: from Amsterdam to the United States.

How does this examination work?

The functional examination begins with a conversation with the patient about his or her complaints, lifestyle, and habits in order to make the right diagnosis. The next step is the precise palpation of the masticatory and temporomandibular joint muscles. In an ordered and systematic way, the extraoral and intraoral muscles, which are responsible for the movements of the mandible are examined. Palpation of the temporomandibular joints allows for the diagnosis of associated pain symptoms. This helps locate painful areas, the elimination of which is a very important step of treatment.

The functional movements of the mandible are then assessed. The doctor observes the path and extent of the movement of the mandible during abduction, paying close attention to any deviations. The lateral and protrusive movements are assessed in the same way. The doctor records all of this information in the patient’s chart to be able to assess the progress ​​during subsequent visits. During the functional movements, auditory symptoms are also recorded - cracks, i.e. short and clear sounds and crepitations - more or less pronounced sounds of friction during the movement of the mandible. These provide valuable information about existing disorders inside the temporo-mandibular joints.

The examination carried out in this way allows for an accurate diagnosis. The disease is classified into one of the categories, and further treatment is carried out according to strictly defined treatment regimens, taking into account the individual specifics of the patient. Therefore, the treatment of temporomandibular disorders is not based on coincidence, but instead, becomes a predictable and effective procedure.

Tak przeprowadzone badanie umożliwia postawienie dokładnego rozpoznania. Schorzenie zostaje zakwalifikowane do jednej z grup, a dalsze leczenie przebiega wg ściśle określonych schematów postępowania z uwzględnieniem indywidualnej specyfiki pacjenta. Dzięki tak przeprowadzonemu postępowaniu, leczenie zaburzeń skroniowo - żuchwowych nie jest dziełem przypadku, ale staje się działaniem przewidywalnym i skutecznym.

Warszawa Ochota

ul. Dorotowska 9
02-347 Warszawa

Telefon: +48 501 328 772

E-mail: recepcja@ddclinic.pl

Godziny otwarcia:
Poniedziałek - Piątek: 9:00 - 20:00
Sobota: nieczynne

Warszawa Ursynów

ul. Migdałowa 10 lok.5
02-796 Warszawa

Telefon: +48 502 070 050

E-mail: recepcjaursynow@ddclinic.pl

Godziny otwarcia:
Poniedziałek - Piątek: 12:00 - 20:00
Sobota: nieczynne

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